5 Minutes With The New York Proton Center Team

New York Proton Center, Awards for Excellence in Institutional Development Finalist 

Jonathan Weinbach, CEO, New York Proton Center 


Who has had the greatest influence on your career and what was the best advice he or she gave you?  

My father gave me great inspiration early in life by telling me, “There are a lot of smart people in the world, and there are a lot of people who work hard, but there are very few who are both smart and work hard!” His advice when I’d stall or make excuses was even simpler, “Do it, do it, do it!”  

As a ULI NY Awards nominee, what makes you most proud of your project? 

I take tremendous pride in the difference we make in the lives of our patients and the commitment our entire team has towards helping people navigate all aspects of the incredibly difficult cancer journey. Cancer impacts everyone and one of the most uplifting moments of my career was, days after receiving our license to offer this care, providing proton therapy treatment to the 6-year-old son of a close family friend who had severe tumor progression. Watching this young child ring the bell at the end of his treatment, and following his highly successful recovery since, is a continuous affirmation of the critical work performed at NYPC. 

What about New York inspires you? 

I’m inspired by the incredibly diverse and intelligent people that New York is able to attract. Smart, committed people, in an unbelievably broad scope of industries, attract others at the top of their fields to create a magnificent cycle of energy, growth and progress that drives so much wonderful development.