5 Minutes With The Gansevoort Row Team

Gansevoort Row, Awards for Excellence in Retail Development Finalist 

Design Team Leadership, BKSK Architects 

Who has had the greatest influence on your career and what was the best advice he or she gave you?  

A mentor provided a refrain with which we often remind ourselves: “Stick around the people with the questions, not the people with the answers.” 

As a ULI NY Awards nominee, what makes you most proud of your project?  

When some of Gansevoort Row’s storefronts were used as an experimental stage for a production of ‘7 Deadly Sins’ with seating in the street alongside packed new restaurants and shops which have opened, it was clear the project had become a backdrop to public space, abuzz with activity enjoyed equally by lifelong New Yorkers, new transplants, and visiting tourists. 

What about New York inspires you?  

Simply walking New York City is inspiring; its neighborhoods constantly evolve but maintain the legible history of hundreds of years of life and commerce.